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Siping Project in commission


Through one month hard work, equipments installation are finished for Siping Stale Garbage Project at Jilin Province. After the project operates normally, Max. processing capacity of waste would reach 2000 tons per day.

Stale garbage sorting equipments

The project processing is designed by our technical team, stale garbage goes through the drum screen to screen rubbish, using positive pressure wind sifter sorts out light material, belt conveyors support to transfer sorted material. The project solution is easy and low cost, effectively solve the problems of waste sorting, and maximally satisfy our customers’ needs. 

Wind sifter

In the commission of equipment, Tianjin Shidai Tiancheng accumulates valuable experience for stale garbage soring technology when meeting limited conditions at the site and technical problems. Our technical team will improve the equipment’s defects and performance, meet customer’s requirements.

Equipment’s panorama